A Documentary film was made on freedom fighter, Sri Debeswar Doloi and on The Freedom Fighter Association of Jorhat in the year 2013. The film is screened on 5th November at the Freedom Figther Association Office in Jorhat. The subtitling work of the film is ongoing. It was Produced by Pronob Doloi and Directed by Shilpika Bordoloi.
(May-June 2014) In the first artistic residency of BCF, two cultural bodies from India and France crafted a 2-riders bicycle, which was dressed as a boat made of bamboo. It made a journey along the Majuli island for over 10-days. The resident artists were Tina Hollard and Hafid Chouaf from France and Kamala Kanta Koman from Majuli, India. “Katha Yatra II” was an attempt to sensitize local communities and the islanders about the harmful effects of widespread plastic usage, and helping them learn about plastic-disposal and recycling.
This journey was to help bring an awareness on environmental issues to the people of Majuli. Through discussions and presentations and peppering it with cultural elements such as a Street Play and a Painting Competition it reflected on traditional and greener ways of living and highlighted the issue of mounting plastic usage in Majuli. “Katha Yatra II” was supported by the Mising Autonomous Councils
Michel Casanovas is an acclaimed dancer, choreographer and practitioner in Feldenkrais Method, from France. Since 2006 he has been regularly teaching and creating in India(micha.in). In his workshops, Michel combines his dance experience and the Feldenkrais method to offer participants a space of creativity and self-discovery. From slow movements explorations and variations in a larger range of actions, he leads people from functionality to a better quality of movement as well as a more complete way of expression. He visited Assam in 2016 and conducted workshop on the Feldenkrais Method and Contemporary Dance.
French dancers, Jennifer and Gregory travel around the world for 10 months with their project CROSS DANCERS in 2016. They aim to discover different country and culture through dance. After Ethiopia, Assam was their second stop where they have an exchange with Shilpika Bordoloi and Satrya monks of Majuli. In Jorhat they do 3 contemporary street performances based on themes given by Shilpika Bordoloi in various location and then move on to learn in Majuli. Follow the link below to find more about the exchange.
If you are interested to be the next resident at BCF In a cultural exchange in Assam If you would like to collaborate with us for some art venture of yours Please email us at bcfindia13@gmail.com